The Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila
St. John Paul II’s new way of praying the Rosary was based on the teachings of St. Theresa of Avila and has become known as the Contemplative Rosary because it more perfectly unites vocal prayer and meditation, transforming the prayers of the Rosary into a contemplative meeting with God.
Did you know about these changes? Have you tried them?
In our new book, The Contemplative Rosary, we have not only incorporated the five new Luminous Mysteries, we have included as well the many other changes Pope John Paul made to the Rosary.
Here are his additions to the texts and prayers — additions small and large — that, as John Paul intended, unite the Rosary more closely to the official liturgical prayers of the Church as well as to Scripture.
Here are also scores of full-color images for your contemplation that anchor your attention in each Mystery and transform your Rosary from a hasty, habitual recitation into a profound speaking to God and a keen listening to Him.
Following the wise advice of St. Theresa of Avila and the new method proposed by St. John Paul, you’ll find here for each mystery:
• A lovely, full-color classical painting depicting the events in the Mystery, for help in your contemplation
• A unique announcement of the Mystery
• A statement of the expected fruits of the Mystery
• The Scriptural passage you should consider before embarking on your prayers of the Mystery
• A call for a moment of silence in order to recollect yourself before entering the presence of God
• Each Mystery’s own unique Hail Mary, including within each a John Paul II recommended statement of faith “to pull wandering minds back to Christ and center them in the mystery”
• Seven meditations tailored to each Mystery, to accompany your recitation of the Hail Marys (but only employ one at a time)
• A concluding short prayer asking God for the fruits specific to that Mystery
• Plus much more, so that finally you can begin to pray the Rosary as Saint John Paul wants you to pray it!
The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare
The Rosary is much more than an optional Catholic devotion for the old and dying. In fact, it is a vibrant and powerful intercessory tool in the hands of valiant spiritual warriors. From the moment Our Lady entrusted it to St. Dominic early in the thirteenth century, the rosary has been at the heart of authentic Catholic devotion. And yet it has also been an indispensable weapon in the hands of intercessors and those who actively resist the workings of the devil.
In The Rosary, Johnnette Benkovic, founder and president of EWTN’s Living His Life Abundantly and the founder of Women of Grace, teams up Thomas K. Sullivan, the creator of the Warrior Rosary, to explore why the rosary is the weapon for such a time as this. Together, they’ve gathered some of the most astonishing historical and contemporary accounts of victories associated with the rosary, along with their own inspiring personal experiences.
Readers will discover insights that will enhance their own experience of the rosary, including special prayers based on the lives and writings of the saints who understood the power of this classic Catholic devotion.
Dimensions & Specifications
The Contemplative Rosary with St. John Paul II and St. Teresa of Avila
The Rosary: Your Weapon for Spiritual Warfare