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Christian Self-Mastery: How to Govern Your Thoughts, Discipline Your Will, and Achieve Balance in Your Spiritual Life

"Christian Self-Mastery" by Fr. Basil W. Maturin offers essential guidance for overcoming spiritual challenges and achieving a deeper relationship with God. This book explores self-discipline, the power of governing thoughts, and understanding true self-knowledge. Learn to resist temptations and elevate your spiritual life with practical steps to control passions and enhance your spiritual journey.

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  • Christian Self-Mastery: How to Govern Your Thoughts, Discipline Your Will, Achieve Balance in Your Spiritual Life
  • How to resist temptation and strengthen your will
  • Self-knowledge: why it involves so much more than its contemporary counterfeit, self-analysis
  • Love: the holy school that will purify and ennoble yours & help you steer clear of prevalent modern counterfeits
  • Self-discipline: how it will restore your soul to its full power

This is the book you need for those times in your life when even your most strenuous efforts to follow Christ end in frustration. Christian Self-Mastery explains why following Him can be so difficult - and how you can start now to make progress even in the most vexing areas of your life.

Author Fr. Basil W. Maturin insists that no matter how hard you’re trying now, you can have a better relationship with God and greater self-mastery if you follow his simple steps to getting your passions in check and improving your knowledge of your own motives, desires, and fears.

Fr. Maturin emphasizes the crucial role that self-discipline plays in your spiritual life and gives you solid ways you can distinguish it from counterfeits and avoid common mistakes people make when they try to change their habits and live for God. 

This extraordinary book will help you in myriad ways to rise above your limitations and truly meet God!

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Media > Books > Non-Fiction > Religion Books
Sophia Institute Press
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Books & Accessories
spiritual life, christian govern, govern thought, thought discipline, discipline achieve, achieve balance, balance spiritual, author basil, basil maturin, christian govern thought, govern thought discipline, thought discipline achieve, discipline ach
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"Christian Self-Mastery" by Fr. Basil W. Maturin offers essential guidance for overcoming spiritual challenges and achieving a deeper relationship with God. This book explores self-discipline, the power of governing thoughts, and understanding true s
elf-knowledge. Learn to resist temptations and elevate your spiritual life with practical steps to control passions and enhance your spiritual journey.

Christian Self-Mastery: How to Govern Your Thoughts, Discipline Your Will, and Achieve Balance in Your Spiritual Life


3 Reviews