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Charles Carrol of Carrollton: American Revolutionary

Explore the remarkable life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Catholic founding father and the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence. This expertly penned biography by Fr. Charles P. Connor delves into Carroll's Irish roots, his unwavering faith, and pivotal role in American history. Discover how Carroll championed religious liberty, advocated for moral principles, and left a legacy of promoting human dignity.
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  • Learn the history of our nation from the life of this Catholic founding father
  • Last of the signers to die, wealthiest man in the colonies, Jesuit-educated, and faithful
  • His role in the pursuit of religious liberty
  • How he lived his faith and his connection to his cousin John who was the first American Bishop
  • An incredible biography of a faithful and historic American founder
Charles Carroll’s life began nearly four decades before the War of Independence and ended while Andrew Jackson, the seventh president of the United States, was in office. As Fr. Charles Connor explains, Carroll was “the last of the signers to die, the wealthiest man in the colonies and the new republic, and clung tenaciously to the faith of his forebearers his entire life.”

In this masterfully written biography, which reads like a riveting novel, Fr. Connor brilliantly sets the stage for Carroll’s extraordinary life by examining his ancestry, the origins of the United States, and the story of its founding. As you discover this hero’s indomitable faith and energy amid shocking challenges and persecutions, you will find:

•    The fascinating Irish roots of Carroll’s family and the dynamics that led to their choices  •    The pursuit of religious liberty in the Maryland colony in the face of marginalization  •    How “Charley” played a crucial role in the events leading up to the American Revolution  •    Ways Carroll advocated for moral principles and natural rights as “First Citizen  •    How Carroll’s diplomatic skills and legal acumen aided in his prominence  •    Ways Carroll lived out his faith and his connection to the first bishop of the United States

While you learn about the hardships and divisions in the early years of American history, you will be inspired by Carroll’s finesse in defending his beliefs while also fostering goodwill and unity. Carroll helped shape our country’s foundation, from his participation in the Continental Congress to the drafting of the Constitution to his tenure as senator and decades of service in Maryland.

Highlighted in his illustrious legacy are his tireless efforts in promoting human dignity through opposing slavery and standing up for the marginalized through his philanthropy. Above all, Carroll was a spiritual giant whose exemplary faith shines as a beacon for our country today.
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Sophia Institute Press
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Books & Accessories
united state, last signer, signer die, die wealthiest, wealthiest man, man colony, pursuit religious, religious liberty, lived faith, faith connection, charles connor, way carroll, last signer die, signer die wealthiest, die wealthiest man
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Explore the remarkable life of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, a Catholic founding father and the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence. This expertly penned biography by Fr. Charles P. Connor delves into Carroll's Irish roots, his
unwavering faith, and pivotal role in American history. Discover how Carroll championed religious liberty, advocated for moral principles, and left a legacy of promoting human dignity.

Charles Carrol of Carrollton: American Revolutionary


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