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Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss

"Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss" offers compassionate guidance for grieving mothers. Through shared experiences, author Heidi Indahl connects personal loss to the mysteries of the rosary. With reflections, Scripture, and prayer intentions, this book provides healing, hope, and a journal space to accompany one's journey with the Blessed Mother.
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  • Rosary reflections for grieving mothers
  • Written for those who have lost children to miscarrige, stillbirth or infant death
  • Asking Our Lady to accompany you in your loss
  • Compassionate and healing wisdom from other mothers
  • Encouragement, hope, and healing through the love of Our Lady

Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss invites grieving mothers to let the Blessed Mother accompany them on their journey of grief and healing. Mary not only understands their loss, but wishes to bring mothers to healing through the saving work of her son.

For each mystery of the rosary, author Heidi Indahl compassionately shares her own experiences of miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant loss, offering insights about how those losses are connected to the experience of Jesus and Mary as revealed by the mysteries of the rosary.

A Scripture quote, questions to ponder, and prayer intentions help readers meditate on each mystery. Readers can record their thoughts, prayers, or even a note to their little one in the provided writing space, making Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb a journal for healing, as well.
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Books & Accessories
stillbirth infant, blessed fruit, fruit thy, thy womb, rosary reflection, miscarriage stillbirth, infant loss, blessed fruit thy, fruit thy womb, miscarriage stillbirth infant, stillbirth infant loss, blessed fruit thy womb, miscarriage stillbirth in
Media Type:
Encouragement & Healing
"Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss" offers compassionate guidance for grieving mothers. Through shared experiences, author Heidi Indahl connects personal loss to the mysteries of the rosa
ry. With reflections, Scripture, and prayer intentions, this book provides healing, hope, and a journal space to accompany one's journey with the Blessed Mother.

Blessed Is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss


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