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The Biblia de Jerusalen Latinoamericana

The Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana offers a renowned translation with in-depth introductions, notes, and parallels, now adapted for Latin American Spanish speakers. With enlarged text for better readability, it serves as a valuable resource for seminarians, religious individuals, and laypeople. This edition preserves its prestigious reputation while ensuring accessibility to all Spanish readers.
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  • The Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana
  • Incluye introducciones, notas, paralelos y separadores
  • Letra agrandada para hacerla más legible y favorecer el acercamiento de todos los lectores de la Biblia

Por primera vez una edición de la Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana ¡y en tu idioma! Entre las versiones de las Sagradas Escrituras en nuestra lengua, la Biblia de Jerusalén tiene un sólido prestigio por la calidad de su traducción y por la profundidad de sus introducciones, notas y comentarios, de tal manera que es muy útil para la formación bíblica tanto de seminaristas, como de religiosos y laicos. Ahora ha querido dar un paso más y es el de preparar una versión latinoamericana, con un lenguaje más adaptado a nuestra manera de hablar el Español.

The Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana, among the versions of holy Scripture in the Spanish language, has a solid prestige due to the quality of the translation and the depth of the introductions, notes and comments, and as such has been useful for the biblical formation of seminarians, religious and lay members. Now it has taken the next step to prepare a Latin American version, with the language adapted to our way of speaking Spanish.

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Liguori Publications
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Books & Accessories
biblia de, de jerusal, biblia de jerusal, jerusal latinoamericana, de la, la biblia, de jerusal latinoamericana, biblia de jerusal latinoamericana, introducciones notas, por la, de la biblia, la biblia de, la biblia de jerusal, de jerusalen, jerusale
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The Biblia de Jerusalén Latinoamericana offers a renowned translation with in-depth introductions, notes, and parallels, now adapted for Latin American Spanish speakers. With enlarged text for better readability, it serves as a valuable resource for
seminarians, religious individuals, and laypeople. This edition preserves its prestigious reputation while ensuring accessibility to all Spanish readers.
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Bible or Book

The Biblia de Jerusalen Latinoamericana


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