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Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server Rings the Bells

Embark on a delightful journey with "Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server Rings the Bells," where young Arthur fulfills his dream of serving at Mass. This charming children's book teaches about the Real Presence and God's closeness through Arthur's endearing tale. Discover what happens when an unexpected moment occurs. A wonderful addition to any family library, authored by Theresa Kiser. Softcover, 36 pages.
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  • Charming children's book
  • Teaches kids about the Real Presence 
  • Story of Arthur the Altar Server
  • Endearing tale of how close God is to us in the Blessed Sacrament
  • Great addition to your family library

Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server has fulfilled his dream to serve at Mass. He's carried the crucifix and lit the candles. But Arthur's favorite moment is when the whole church falls completely silent and a server rings those beautiful bells - the moment when the bread and wine become Jesus' own Body and Blood.

Finally, Fr. Cruz tells Arthur he can ring the bells that day. During Mass, when the big moment comes, Arthur is so captivated he can't take his eyes off Jesus, really and truly present. So much so that he ... forgets to ring the bells.

"Arthur! The bells! Ring the bells!"

Find out what happens next in the second installment of the Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server series. Through this endearing story, Arthur and readers alike will grow in understanding of the Blessed Sacrament and come to appreciate God's closeness to us in the Eucharist.

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Jesus: Holy Eucharist
Our Sunday Visitor
Product Category:
Books & Accessories
altar server, arthur clumsy, clumsy altar, ring bell, blessed sacrament, arthur clumsy altar, clumsy altar server, arthur clumsy altar server, server ring, story arthur, server endearing, altar server endearing, bell charming, charming child, child b
Media Type:
First Communion
Embark on a delightful journey with "Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server Rings the Bells," where young Arthur fulfills his dream of serving at Mass. This charming children's book teaches about the Real Presence and God's closeness through Arthur's endeari
ng tale. Discover what happens when an unexpected moment occurs. A wonderful addition to any family library, authored by Theresa Kiser. Softcover, 36 pages.
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Arthur the Clumsy Altar Server Rings the Bells


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