
Adoration of the Shepherds Glass Ornaments- set of 3

Celebrate the spirit of Christmas with this exclusive set of three glass ornaments featuring classic art depictions of the Adoration of the Shepherds by Van Hontorst, Rembrandt, and Vidal. These elegant 3.5" ornaments, complete with ribbons, are designed to honor the Christ Child and infuse your holiday décor with a Christ-centered focus. Produced exclusively by The Catholic Company.

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  • Set of three glass ornaments
  • Classic art imagery of Adoration of the Shepherds
  • Depictions by Van Hontorst, Rembrandt, Vidal
  • Christ-centered holiday décor
  • Designed and produced exclusively by The Catholic Company

Keep Christ in Christmas with these joyful glass ornaments, which feature classic art depictions of the manger scene. Images by Rembrandt, van Hontorst, and Vidal grace these elegant flat glass ornaments. Honor the Christ Child on your tree, and in your heart.

© Copyright 2021 Trinity Road LLC/The Catholic Company

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Home Decor
classic art, adoration shepherd, glass ornament, van hontorst, shepherd glass, glass set, set set, set three, three glass, ornament classic, art imagery, imagery adoration, shepherd depiction, depiction van, hontorst rembrandt
Celebrate the spirit of Christmas with this exclusive set of three glass ornaments featuring classic art depictions of the Adoration of the Shepherds by Van Hontorst, Rembrandt, and Vidal. These elegant 3.5" ornaments, complete with ribbons, are desi
gned to honor the Christ Child and infuse your holiday décor with a Christ-centered focus. Produced exclusively by The Catholic Company.

Adoration of the Shepherds Glass Ornaments- set of 3


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