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Holy Water Bottle and Book Set

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The Holy Water Bottle and Book Set is a thoughtful gift that imparts understanding and practical use of holy water. It includes the book "Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics" and a charming glass bottle, enhancing spiritual routine and physical health. Personalize your set and bring the immeasurable blessings of the Miraculous Medal into your daily life. Holy water not included.

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  • Holy Water Bottle and Book Set
  • Powerful and thoughtful gift idea
  • Imparts instruction and understanding of new graces and practical means to use them  
  • Can be personalized
  • Exclusive to The Catholic Company 
"Countless graces flow from the use of holy water when you understand its role...and how it brings new graces into your life."  ~ Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics

With this inspired combination comes the information to form your understanding of holy water, complete with a lovely glass bottle to help you bring its graces into your daily life. 

You will learn from Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholics the eight practical ways to use holy water for the spiritual and physical well-being of yourself and your loved ones, and how holy water can protect your children, bless your daily life, invigorate your spiritual routine and strengthen your physical health. Enhancing these graces, this charming bottle also brings you the immeasurable blessings of the Miraculous Medal. 

Customer Reviews of Holy Water and Its Significance for Catholic  and our Glass Holy Water Bottle...

  • "What a wonderful'll never be without holy water again. It is a blessing, a protection, a healer. " 
  • "Very happy with the look of the bottle. It will be used, I am sure, for years to come." 


*Holy water not included. Ask your parish priest where you can fill your bottle for free at the church.

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